Did You Know there Are Over 100 Types of Arthritis?

Types of Arthritis in Dr. Phillips

Arthritis is one of the most common pain disorders affecting people, especially as they get older. It presents itself as a swelling of the joints, often linked to several unrelated sources, including genetics, pre-congenital conditions, injuries, and obesity, among others. Although arthritis is likely to occur in any joint of the body, some regions are most prone to be affected than others. The symptoms may vary, depending on the types of arthritis affecting the joints. In Dr. Phillips, Orlando Pain Solutions runs smoothly certified and qualified operations dedicated to serving those in search of medical assistance to alleviate the pain caused by physical injuries. To obtain the latest therapy information, regain mobility, and diminish the ache and hurt caused by arthritis, we encourage you to visit the specialized team of pain management Dr. Phillips residents know and trust.


Identifying the Source of Pain


The effects linked to arthritis are likely to manifest in the joints used the most: wrists, hands, neck, back, hips, knees, ankles, and feet. Depending on the allocation of the joint, the pain can be experienced by the person in the form of stiffness, cracking, stinging, and tightness, usually appearing during physical activities, a sudden movement, and a sustained bad posture through time.


Types of Arthritis


There are many forms of arthritis, with at least 100 kinds already identified.


According to the experts in pain management Dr. Phillips, the most common kind of arthritis are the four groups emphasized below:


  • Degenerative arthritis, also known as osteoarthritis (a.k.a. wear and tear); a joint disease typically appearing in people older than 70 years of age. The symptoms are pain, swelling, and stiffness of the affected area, which is frequently located in the weight-bearing joints.


  • Inflammatory arthritis, groups arthritis affecting the immune system. Rheumatoid arthritis is the main of the group. It causes the body to attack its tissues. The autoimmune disease triggers painful joint swelling, especially around the knuckles, wrists, and knees. Early diagnosis is crucial to regulate the damage.


  • Infectious arthritis, septic arthritis is one of the most severe and damaging types there can be. It disease forms when a virus or bacteria hosts and multiplies itself inside the fluid surrounding the joints. The affected areas tend to be the knees, wrists, shoulders, hips, and elbows. Treatment is plausible through prescribed antibiotics.


  • Metabolic arthritis, a particular form of the disease that takes place when uric acid (instead of dissolving in the blood) accumulates and crystallizes in the joints producing spikes of extreme pain or a gout attack.


In our Dr. Phillips clinic, we have an excellent and attentive team of highly qualified pain management doctors that will implement a carefully conceived diagnosis test to establish the kind of arthritis affecting your joints and everyday life.


After your appointment, you can soon expect a personalized and attentive therapy addressed to decrease your painful ache. 


Contact Us


Don’t wait any longer. At our Dr. Phillips clinic, you’ll learn about the types of arthritis straight from the specialists. Call or visit Orlando Pain Solutions to see for yourself how pain management Dr. Phillips is a reality.

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