Post Laminectomy Syndrome

post laminectomy syndrome

Post Laminectomy Syndrome

Innovative Pain Solutions is well known for offering treatments for pain management Orlando, FL residents have seen great results with. Dr. Kalia will take the time to find a solution for your post laminectomy syndrome case and make sure that your treatment is done to the best of his ability. Leading you to a quick and effective recovery is our goal. Let us help you sooner rather than later, and reach out to us today.  


Post Laminectomy Syndrome Treatment


Patients often undergo surgery to correct spinal issues due to neck or back pain. Many patients tend to continue to have pain after healing from the surgery which is known as post laminectomy syndrome. Cervical symptoms occur in a patient’s neck, and lumbar symptoms occur in a patient’s lower back. If having surgery wasn’t enough, having the symptoms come back is quite frustrating and can be even more painful. Our goal is to get you on the road to recovery as soon as possible and to find ways to keep you comfortable while living your everyday life and going about your daily activities. Innovative Pain Solutions is the place to be for pain management Orlando, FL residents have felt relief with. Post laminectomy syndrome is reason enough to obtain help. When you need an experienced doctor for pain management Orlando is home to Innovative Pain Solutions.


When it comes to pain management Orlando is home to a top doctor


If post laminectomy syndrome is something you find yourself or a loved one suffering from, Innovative Pain Solutions has an experienced staff and Dr. Kalia gets to know each patient and their case so he can find the right form of treatment that will work just for them. It is important to treat every patient with the attention and care they need. Instead of finding ways to live in pain, ask for help! We are here to get you back on your feet and feeling better than ever. It is possible to live a life without back or neck pain. Trust us to show you how. Helping patients live happier and healthier lives is what makes our jobs feel complete.


Contact Us


Innovative Pain Solutions has the answers you need for post laminectomy syndrome and offers a center for pain management Orlando, FL locals truly believe in. Give us a call 407-284-1993 to schedule an appointment today.

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