Pain Management: Types of Pain and Treatment Options

Types of Pain in orlando

Are you tired of managing your varying types of pain all the time? As we age, it can become difficult juggling all the aches and pains throughout the day. Innovative Pain Solutions in Orlando, Florida, is here to help. We assist in pain management for many different ailments, and oftentimes our clients are pain free within months of treatments. 


Pain At Its Source

Pain is defined in the dictionary as “physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury”. It is often difficult as someone experiencing pain to pinpoint why or where, if it’s not an obvious injury. And the doctor then has the added task of figuring out where the source is and how it’s translating out into the body, as people can experience pain in different areas while having the same ailment. There are eight different categories that expound on specific pain in order for you to decide what and where the cause may be, and seek treatment easier and faster. 


Acute pain is discomfort you experience over a short time frame, typically anywhere from minutes to days, potentially for months, for something very specific. Examples include a broken bone, a fall, a cut or burn, a car accident, childbirth, dental work and surgery. You know the cause of the pain certainly and although it can be quite severe, it is only during this event in your life at the moment. Chronic pain is any type of pain that lingers for longer than six months, and experienced most days. It could be from a result of initial acute pain, such as a car accident that left you injured and now the injury is presenting itself as a new, chronic pain. Oftentimes chronic pain can be associated with chronic conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, circulation issues, back pain, and fibromyalgia. This pain can range from mild to severe, and can cause great discomfort in your everyday normal activities.    


Other Types Of Pain

Breakthrough pain is a sudden and sharp pain, consistent with someone who is already on medications for their chronic pain. The breakthrough pain can occur as a result of overstressing the body during exercise, illness, or in between the pain management medication. Breakthrough pain may also be called a pain flair, with severe pain in the location of the pre-existing chronic pain. Bone pain may be experienced if you already have a condition or disease that affects your bones structure or function, such as a fracture, cancer, leukemia, sickle cell anemia and osteoporosis. It generally presents itself as a tenderness, ache or discomfort in your bones, whether you are resting or active. Phantom pain occurs when there is pain experienced in an area of the body that’s no longer there, such as an amputated arm or leg. Doctors previously thought this was more psychological than physical, but have recently discovered that there are real pain sensations originating from the spinal cord and brain. 


Nerve pain can be particularly painful, described as a sharp, shooting, burning, or stabbing pain. It’s caused by inflammation or nerve damage, and may be called neuralgia or neuropathic pain. This pain can cause a sensitivity to touch or cold, or even something brushing up against the skin. This neuropathic pain makes daily chores difficult along with sleep, as many people experiencing this pain have worse symptoms overnight. Common causes can be due to alcoholism, diabetes, cancer, circulation issues, stroke, Vitamin B12 deficiency, shingles, or multiple sclerosis. Soft tissue pain is often associated with swelling and bruising, coming as a result of inflammation or damage to the tissues, ligaments or muscles. A rotator cuff injury, sciatic pain, fibromyalgia, back or neck pain, and sports injuries can result in soft tissue pain. Referred pain is when you experience pain in one location, but the cause of the pain is actually in another location. If you have a ruptured spleen, for example, you will experience pain in your shoulder blade. 


Treatment Options

Knowing the base of your pain and what you’re experiencing can help you determine the best course of action moving forward. If you are experiencing phantom pain, for example, the symptoms will typically dissipate with time; if you are experiencing chronic pain, then you should seek a physician or doctor to pinpoint the extent of the chronic pain and formulate a management plan. Being as specific as you can during your exam will help your doctor determine where the original source of the pain lies as well, instead of being vague. Some medications are better for different types of pain than others, and some types of pain may be better suited for physical therapy as well, or even surgery for the more persistent, chronic pain. 


Contact Us

Ready to seek treatment for your specific type of pain? Innovative Pain Solutions in Orlando can help alleviate many painful conditions, whether chronic or not. We have the tools ready to give you expert care and treatment options that fit your pain management life. Call us today!

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