Understanding The Lumbar Spine

lumbar Spine in orlando

We as humans are pretty familiar with the spine. Or at least we think we are. However, do we truly understand the anatomy of it? What is the science behind both movement and dysfunction? Here at Innovative Pain Solutions, we are here to let you know valuable information regarding one of these most important body structures.


A Spine Is a Complex Structure

The spine is a complex structure, comprised of nerves, connective tissue, bones, discs, muscles, and other essential integrative components. Whether it getting out of a chair or car, lifting or carrying items, some 29 muscles around the pelvic girdle and lumbar spine, provide stability.


The spine is made of 33 individual bones stacked one on top of the other. This spinal column provides the main support for your body, allowing you to stand upright, bend, and twist while protecting the spinal cord from injury. Strong muscles and bones, flexible tendons and ligaments, and sensitive nerves contribute to a healthy spine. Yet, any of these structures affected by strain, injury, or disease can cause pain.


When viewed from the side, an adult spine has a natural S-shaped curve. The neck and lower back regions, which is called your lumbar, have a slight concave curve, and the thoracic and sacral regions have a gentle convex curve. The curves work like a coiled spring to absorb shock, maintain balance, and allow a range of motion throughout the spinal column.


The spine is divided between three layers:

  • Internal layer: Consists of the vertebrae of the spine, the spinal discs, and ligaments and series of small muscles that connect, one vertebra to another.


  • Middle layer: There are four important muscles within the middle layer, which provide stability for the lower back.


  • Outerlalater: This layer is the thickest. Composed of large, thick muscles, which aid in assist in transitional movements, creating and sustaining muscle contraction.


Common Injuries of the Lumbar Spine

  • Lumbar osteoarthritis (DDD)
    • The wear and tear arthritis because it is thought that the articular cartilage breaks down because of an imbalance between mechanical stress and the ability of the joint to handle the given loads. The following are factors that can influence the development of DDD; excessive weight, repeated repetitive stressors, and muscle imbalances.


  • Spinal stenosis
    • A narrowing within the vertebral canal coupled with hypertrophy of the spinal lamina and ligamentum flavum or facets as the result of age-related degenerative process commonly seen in older individuals.


  • Disc injuries
    • Injury to the disc typically occurs as a result of a combined motion such as lifting with twisting. This motion places increased stress on the disc causing an injury. Most individuals suffer from a bulging disc or herniated disc. This is confirmed by an extensive examination by both the physician and physical therapist, an MRI, symptoms and objective findings.


Contact Us Today

We genuinely want to make sure you fully understand all the information regarding a lumbar spine. Whether that is a result from a concussion or whiplash. Innovative Pain Solutions are pain management doctors who know what they are doing. We strive to provide service with excellence. Contact us today for more information in Orlando.

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