Who Is the Ideal Candidate for Kyphoplasty?

kyphoplasty surgery in Orlando

Kyphoplasty is a minimal invasive procedure that is used to treat a condition called vertebral compression fracture (VCF) that affects the spine. If you have suffered from spine injury of osteoporosis, your spine might develop this painful, wedge-shaped fracture. Left untreated, you can easily develop a humped spine. There is no need for you to take chances with the health of your spine. You need to consult with a neurosurgeon Orlando, FL and check to see if you qualify for a kyphoplasty surgery. The neurosurgeons at Florida Surgery Consultants can help diagnose your problem and recommend the best way to resolve the issues with your spine.


What is Kyphoplasty?


In VCF, the body normally collapses into itself forming a wedged vertebrae. When more than one vertebra becomes wedged, you can easily develop a humped spine. This is a condition that is commonly known as kyphosis. If your bones have been weakened by osteoporosis or multiple myeloma, you might be highly susceptible to VCF. VCFs can also be caused by activities that include heavy lifting, prolonged coughing and sneezing. You need to urgently consult with a neurosurgeon Orlando FL because failure to do that can cause these fractures to lead to reduced physical activity, back pain, loss of independence, depression, difficulty in sleeping, reduced lung capacity or in some cases, lead to the development of more fractures which can further aggravate your condition.


Who is the ideal candidate for Kyphoplasty surgery?


Similar to any other medical procedure, not every person or every condition can be subjected to this type of treatment. For you to qualify for Kyphoplasty, it must be proved that the painful VCFs arose from:


  • Metastatic tumor – this is cancer that is spread from another area in the body.
  • Osteoporosis – this is a depletion of calcium in the bones.
  • Vertebral hemangioma – this is a benign vascular tumor.
  • Multiple myeloma – this is a cancer of the bone marrow.


If the surgeon find that you suffer any of the above conditions, he or she may recommend that you undergo the surgery to correct the VCF. If you present any of the following conditions, you might not be a candidate for this procedure:


  • Osteomyelitis – an infection in the bones.
  • Non-painful and stable compression fractures.
  • Bleeding disorders.
  • Tumor or fracture fragment in the spinal cord
  • Allergy to any of the medications used in the in the kyphoplasty procedure.


A few points to note: The kyphoplasty procedure will not remedy old and chronic fractures. The procedure will also not reduce back pains associated with stooping forward or poor posture. Traditionally, patients were required to wait for a period of up to 6 weeks to see if the condition will improve in its own. Today, doctors recommend that you seek medical treatment as soon as the symptoms manifest because waiting may cause the bones to harden and make the procedure less effective.


What happens next?


Once it has been established that you qualify for the procedure, the surgeon will conduct a number of tests to make a diagnosis of the VCF. The surgeon will also probe your medical history and discuss with you all the treatment options that are available.

Contact Us

If you have been experiencing some back pain around the spine area, you need to see a neurosurgeon Orlando FL who will advise you as to whether you need a kyphoplasty surgery for your condition or not. Contact us at Florida Surgery Consultants and our team of surgeons will help in treating that spinal pain.

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