What Can Stem Cell Therapy Do For Your Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is no less than a frustration; even though treating it gives relief for some time, the pain always comes back. On one side, where the researchers in the medical field are looking for solutions that offer long-lasting comfort, many are voting for stem cell therapy Orlando locals swear by. According to them, this is one of the sustainable solutions that helps in fighting pain. This therapy addresses the problem via cell regeneration. It can be said that chronic pain has met its match, and it is none other than the stem cells. Innovative Pain Solutions is a team of medical consultants known to help patients live a life free of pain. Irrespective of the cause of your pain, arthritis, or injury, our health experts at our Dr. Phillips location give the relief your body deserves. As researchers, regenerative medicine excites us. And with that, we mean stem cell therapy.


Stem Cell Therapy – Best Treatment For Fighting Pain


Called the building blocks, human stem cells are the ones from which all others are created. They prove potent at the time of embryonic development. This is when the stem cells change into the cells needed for human life to start taking their shape. From there, it multiplies indefinitely as various other types of cells — brain cells, skin cells, or liver cells. These stem cells are still found in the body of an adult. These are mostly found in the blood, bone marrow, and adipose fat. Although they aren’t as powerful as they used to be at the time of embryonic development, they carry some of the most incredible regenerative powers. And when you are injured, these are the cells that help in repairing and rebuilding. 


Redirecting Stem Cells


In stem cell therapy Orlando, the stem cells are harvested from your bone marrow. After that, they are redirected to where it is needed more. The increased concentration of this acts as a healing boost for your body, thereby repairing the damaged tissue. Finally, the pain is alleviated. The harvesting of these cells is done using an in-office procedure and local anesthesia. While these cells are doing their job – eliminating inflammation and regenerating the tissues, many other healing resources are called in for help. This method doesn’t mask the issue but addresses and repairs the problem by working with your body to deliver long-term results. Based on the medical issue, a series of these treatments can be given to you, but the results will be promising as soon as the stem cells start kicking in.


Fighting the Pain


Since stem cells happen to be a natural resource, they are used to provide you relief from various issues like –


  1. Neuropathy, or nerve damage
  2. Degenerative disc diseases
  3. Connective tissue injuries
  4. Arthritis
  5. Joint pain


The list is never-ending! 


Contact Us 


Innovative Pain Solutions is the right company to find out if stem cell therapy Orlando locals swear by will work for you or not. Talk to our experts at our Dr. Phillips location to understand how this therapy helps in fighting pain.

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